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  • Q What is delivery logistics?

    A We accept a variety of logistics methods. You can choose the most convenient or cost-effective way.
  • Q I can't find what I want on your website, can you provide the product I need?

    A Yes, please tell us the product information and we will search for you.
  • Q When can I get a quote?

    A We usually quote within 24 hours of receiving your inquiry. If you need a price very urgently, please call us on email so we will give priority to your inquiry.
Full-Service Manufacturer Of Resistance Welding Machine Since 1999
Foshan Darui Auto Welding Equipment Company is a highly experienced and trustworthy manufacturer of resistance welding equipment.
Contact Us
  No.7 Huaguang Road, Guanbian Village, Hengjiang, Yanbu, Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province
  daruiwelding@outlook.com
  +86-13927720483
  191720138


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